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October Horoscope: Check what awaits you this month as per your zodiac sign.

Created by Asttrolok in Astrology 30 Aug 2023
Views: 373
October Horoscope: Check what awaits you this month as per your zodiac sign.

An idea of the prospects, career, financial, family, relationships, health for the month of October 2021 is indicated hereunder.


Careerwise, professional life during October 21 has positive results in store. Self-employed or business professionals, hard work, and diligence will pave the way for success.

Financially, the month will be of ups and downs. The Source of income shall remain open, but you have lots of hope from others as well. Good benefits for those in the government sector. Small problems in health shall remain. Sun and Mars are placed in the sixth house. Problems like fever, headache, blood pressure, boils, bleeding are possible. Sun shall change the zodiac sign after the 17th and provide you benefits. The conjunction of Mars and the Sun may bring a certain kind of routine to your behavior. You may find it difficult to work in accordance with your partner which can bring bitterness to your relationship.

ADVICE: Recite Hanuman Chalisa and visit Hanuman temple on Tuesdays. Touch your father’s feet every morning.

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October shall give mixed results. Saturn is in the Ninth house and the lord of the eighth house is conjugated with Saturn. Both the ruling lords of the eighth and tenth houses are together in the ninth house, which is not a good period for the career. This month is overall mixed. The influence of Sun and Mars on the fifth house reflects good economic activities, and the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the ninth house will create economic benefits. Health-wise, it’s a disturbing month. Sixth house lord can cause health issues at the beginning of the month. Later Sun and Mars shall enter the sixth house needing care for stomach issues, boils and fever. The month started will have a bitter experience for those in love. Sun and Mars in the 5th house shall reduce tolerance while increasing virility. On 1st  October, Sun shall leave the 5th house and give some succor. Mars will leave on 22nd October and shall provide improved conditions. Married people shall have improved conditions due to Ketu in the seventh house. Control your doubts.

ADVICE: Feed wheat dough balls to white cow, offer green bangles to sister or aunt. Chant beej mantra of Venus.


Career-wise full of ups and downs. Saturn is posited in the eighth house and aspecting the tenth house. Those in government jobs shall benefit from fruitful results. Change in job transfer possible. 

Blissful month for finances. The income of the house may be affected by Mars and Mercury. The second house is being aspected by Saturn and Jupiter, new sources of income are possible. On 22nd October, Mars shall enter the fifth house. The right time to repay the loan. Remain cautious health-wise. Saturn and Jupiter in the eighth house indicate lasting diseases. Mercury will be retrograde, move into the fourth house where Mars and the Sun are already present. Attention to lungs and chest required. Avoid trips. Mercury and Venus will remain placed in the fifth house. Intimacy with partner shall increase. Sun will come into the fifth house on 17th October and tension can prevail in the relationship. Jupiter and Saturn in the eighth house will get support from in-laws

ADVICE: Recite the beej mantra of Budh (Mercury). Feed green spinach and green vegetables to your mother. Light mustard Diya (lamp) on Saturdays under a peepal tree.


Fruitful month for you. At the beginning of the month, the aspect of Mercury and Venus is in the tenth house. The conjunction of sixth lord Jupiter with Saturn in the seventh house and great opportunities shall be created at your workplace. Promotion chances. Sun on 17th October shall move into Libra and aspects the tenth house will help the accomplishment of all targets. Mars on 22nd October shall come into the 4th house and aspect the tenth house.

Financially profitable month especially the initial part of the month.  Many tasks will be got done by the government in power and there are also chances of great profits from the government. Sources of income when Venus enters the 5th house may increase. Mars shall remain in your 4th house and aspecting the 11th house success in property matters is a possibility. Mixed results in terms of health with existing issues decreasing in the first part of the month and with new issues being raised with Jupiter as lord of the 6th house and Saturn conjunction in the 7th house. Need to be alert from the beginning. The help of yoga is beneficial.  Ketu is currently in the 5th house and you could fall into misunderstandings and doubts.  Clashes with partner can not be ruled out. Problems shall cease after 2nd October with Venus in the 5th house.

ADVICE: You can wear two Mukhi Rudraksha, pour milk on Shivling on Mondays, donate mustard oil on Saturdays, offer bundi to Hanumanji on Tuesdays.


Rahu is currently in the 10th house which will help take care of hindrances. On 17th October Sun shall enter 3rd house increasing your mind and efficiency. You may however require the help and support of friends and siblings. Mars into 3rd house on 17th October will increase strength and those running their own business shall have a very favorable time. Mixed results from an economic point of view. Post 2nd October, Mercury in retrograde motions will move to 2nd house and some issues may come up in the initial phase of the month. Decisions would be difficult.

Health issues need special care during the month.6th house known as the determiner of diseases is hosting on the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter the combination of which is not good for health. Gas and indigestion are possible. Special care needs to be taken if already suffering from these ailments, especially with regard to diet and maintenance of a healthy routine. Transit of Mars and Venus in 2nd house can also cause trouble. Patients with blood disorders and diabetes should be taken care of. Very good time for those in a relationship during the 1st half of the month. The ruling lord of 5th Jupiter is with the 6th house of Saturn with Saturn in his own house and also an owner of the 7th house. The trust factor in the relationship will prosper. Dedication towards each other shall increase. Average month for married people.

ADVICE: Offer arghaya to lord Sun daily, recite Aditya Hridaya Strotra, recite Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesdays, chaya daan on Saturdays.  


Quite favorable for professional life. Graced with success in all spheres.  Those on the lookout for new jobs will get a decent career. Promotions and transfer is on cards. The idea of switching jobs may cross your mind this month. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the 5th house will prove to be positive for business ventures. You will remain economically prosperous. Beginning of the month, Venus and Mercury will be seated in the 2nd house which is under the governance of Venus. During this time success is definitely yours. Jupiter in the 5th  house is aspecting the 11th house, the house of income. During the second half of the month, the Sun will also enter the house of profit. When Mars enters your sign you may think of investing in immovable property. You could also buy a vehicle.

Healthwise mixed results in store. The month start can be problematic but no possibility of major disease. Fever and headache are indicated. Take good care, especially of diet. Maintain a stable daily routine. The second half of the month will be stable.

Partner relations shall be favorable this month. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will add blessings to the relationship. 22nd October Mars is changing its zodiac sign and will enter the 2nd house causing rudeness in speech. This could result in clashes and arguments. Not a favorable time for married people. Mars and Sun are both aspecting the house which denotes partner. The retrograde motion of Mars natives will not acknowledge mistakes.

ADVICE: Read Vishnushahastranaam, Gift something special to eunuchs and seek their blessings, offer perfume made from kush to lord shiv on Fridays, daily recite beej mantra of Mercury.


Favorable time for libra natives. Desired success at the workplace because of which you shall remain elated. Jupiter is currently aspecting 10th  house making it excellence In professional life. However, those in their own business may come across a somewhat unfavorable period during the first half of the month. With hard work and no loss of faith, success will shortly come. 

Not a favorable month for finance. Sun and Mars are present in the 12th house. These planets will not give positive results. Expenses will increase. Mercury in retrograde is also in the 12th house and shall increase expenses resulting in mental tension. Best to control your expenses and keeping a close tab on them.

Health is also expected to remain at a low level. Fatigue, eye disorder, insomnia, may occur. Chronic diseases will get aggravated during the month. Quite a favorable month for relationships. In the latter half of the month conjunction of Sun and Mars will change things for the better after a poor condition for some time. Anger could cause issues. Husband-wife relations could be affected by Mars. Be patient with your partner.

ADVICE: Recite Venus beej mantra starting Friday. Worship of Mahalaxmi and give flour to ants.  


Careerwise, October shall be great. Promotion is likely. You would be able to expand your trade venture. New business relations with get established. Some challenges in the 2nd half of the month but need not worry. Your career shall take flight during October. Economic conditions will also be great. The initial part of the month will have profits in store. Economically beneficial period for those in business. Sun and Mars in the 11th House. However, expenses during 2nd half of the month will increase dramatically and long-term investments are necessary.

Health results are mixed this month. While the initial month shall be happy and refreshed, in the second half of the month, Sun and Mars shall come in the 12th house and there may be health issues. Eye pain and sleep disorders need special attention. Regarding love life, one has to remain somewhat careful. The initial month poses ups and downs.  5th house is under influence of Mars and the Sun. Both planets are fire-dominated and clashes will take place. Mercury in retro motion shall enter the 11th house on 2nd October and matters shall deteriorate. Sun and Mars will change their position and enter the 12th house and some positive changes could be seen. Venus will enter on 2nd October aspecting 7th house whereby attraction between husband and wise may increase.

ADVICE: Distribute jaggery and gram on Tuesday to young children. Recite Beej Mantra of Mars. Maintain good relations with siblings. Offer wheat on Shivling.


Careerwise, a great time for professional life. Ability to focus and shall result in the inability to progress professionally. Sun, on 17th October, shall enter Zodiac sign Libra. Sun is a positive indicator for Sagittarius and results in a favorable time for business. Be cautious of hurdles. A foreign country visit is likely to fulfill work requirements.

Financial life is good. Increase in the source of income. The early month is good. Transit of Mercury and Venus in the 11th house. Saturn and Jupiter are in the 2ndhouse. An increase in bank balance indicated. Sun will move into Libra in the 11th house after 17th October and  Mars shall come into Libra on 22nd October. These planetary movements are very beneficial. Best time for people to do business. Income shall increase. A good period in terms of health. Minor health problems of cold and headaches are possible but nothing to worry about. Continue with yoga, meditation, exercise nutritious food. Saturn and Jupiter are in the 2nd house and you have to be disciplined. Good start to a love affair.  Shall spend good time with each other. However, 2nd half is challenging. Transit of Mars and Sun in the 11th house looking at the 5th house after 17th October will raise conflicts in relationships with partners blaming each other. For married people, all is well. Mild problems after 2nd October in relationships. Some resentment.

ADVICE: Keep a yellow handkerchief with you. Chant beej mantra of Jupiter, recite Aditya Hridaya Strotra daily, plant a pomegranate tree on Tuesday.    


The planetary movements and position state that your career shall be gifted with success in professional life. You will keep working hard with Mercury and Venus are present in the 10th house. On 17th October Sun shall transit in your 10th house further strengthening your career. On 22nd October, Mars will move to the 10th house which indicates possibilities of promotion. Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting your 7th house which is very good for professional life. Your relation with colleagues will remain good because Mercury and Venus are present in the 10th house. Saturn and Jupiter aspecting 7th house is also good for the profession.

Financially, Jupiter is considered significator of prosperity shall remain weak.  Keep a tab on your expenses. Do not take loans. The situation shall improve next month and you shall be prosperous once again. favorable time for health. Minor issues such as cough and cold are possible. This is due to a change in weather. Maintain routine life. Do not take outside food. Love-related matters will also be favorable. The position of planets and nakshatras will work in favor. A married native of the sign will come across a favorable time. Love and support from life partner are viewed.

ADVICE: Recite Neel Shani Strotra on Saturdays. Visit Durga temple on Fridays. Do not take anything from anyone.          


Ups and downs in career this month. Some planetary positions may give you good news while others can worsen things for you. The ruling planet of the 10th house Mars shall remain positive in the 8th house up to 22nd October. As a result, not much success. While hindrances may be there in the workplace, do not lose faith and focus and continue to work hard. Transfer orders possible. Ups and downs for business people. 17th October onwards will bring positive results. Sun shall enter the 9th house and you could undertake some journey. This will be beneficial for you.

Financially moderate month. Shall have very little chance of source replenishment.  Expenses may increase but the later part of the month would be better and improved economic situation. Do not lend any money.

Healthwise weak during the month. Mars will enter 2nd half of the month in the 9th house and keep aspecting the 12th house which already has Jupiter and Saturn. These may increase chronic health issues. Eye problems, lack of sleep, pain in the leg and head can be there. Take care of health during the month. Mercury and Venus are present in the 5th house making your love life exciting and blissful. The attraction between each other shall increase as well as confidence. Not good for married people as Mars and Sun are sitting in the 8th house. Strained relations with in-laws. In the second half of the month, Sun and Mars shall enter the 9th house and then give good results with your spending good time with your partner.

ADVICE: Shani Chalisa recitation on Saturdays. Oil lamp with mustard oil to be lit in mud diya and placed under a peepal tree. Saboot Moong to crow. Avoid blue color. Donate pomegranate on Tuesdays.        


With regard to your career, ups and downs are possible. This initial phase will be quite prosperous. Problems will crop up during the second half. In the first, half seniors shall be pleased with your hard work and shall offer promotion. Remain extremely cautious during the second half. For business people, good times.  On 17th October, Sun shall move to the 8th house and problems may increase. On 22nd October Mars shall move into the 8th house and problems may escalate. On the economic front, things are favorable. Jupiter and Saturn are present in the 11th house. Sources of money shall be available. Businessmen shall earn well. For job holders, more than one income will be available. On 22nd October Mars will move into the 8th house and sudden income is foretold. Stuck money comes back. Quite favorable beginning of the month for trade and business persons.  

Healthwise natives should be careful. Sun and Mars are in the 7th house. On 2nd October retro Mercury shall remain ineffective. Planetary conditions can increase skin issues and also blood-related problems. Consult a doctor. Walk and drive carefully. This month has mixed results related to love issues and romance. Jupiter and Saturn aspecting 5th house sense of tourist to your relationship. Mutual trust will gradually increase. Be true to your partner.  Married natives may difficulties during October. The conjunction of Mars and Sun in the 7th house your life partner can be rude to you at the start of the month. Clashes of ideas and ideologies will be there. Watch your words before speaking. During the second half, relationships with in-laws may gradually deteriorate. Remain calm and patient.

ADVICE: Recite Ram Raksha Strotra daily. Offer yellow flowers and sandalwood to Lord Hari. Tuesdays visit the temple of lord hanuman and apply tilak from the right foot on your forehead.

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Writer - Mala Chatterjee

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