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Namaskar to All.
My Name is Dr.Vinay S.Joshi. Born & Brought up in Indore. I have completed 54 years of Age on October 21. I am a Psychologist. Astrologer and Doctorate in Management with 26 years of Corporate Experience in Sales & Marketing.
I am born into a well-to-do family. Has got Excellent Education and worked for 26 years in the country's notable corporations like Reliance Industries.Idea cellular & Aptech Ltd.
I got everything in life whatever I wished on the materialistic front. But what is lacking within me and my consciousness is a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and the purpose of life. On all these fronts, I was a complete failure. Life was going on and on and I was wondering purposelessly.
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As destined by Almighty and in search for fulfillment and purpose, one of my friends advised me to learn Astrology and referred me to Asttrolok and Alok Sir and after having met Alok Sir, I got so much influenced by him that, I started learning Vedic Astrology. His style of teaching is very simple and easy to remember.
In our first class, Alok Sir emphasized on Importance of "GAYATRI Sadhana". I started doing it religiously without fail morning and evening. Believe me, changes in me started taking place like...
My approach to looking at life changed. I Started looking for Blessings in everything and got a purpose in life. Miraculous changes started taking place. I am talking about my Inward Journey. My Mindset changed.
I started experiencing Peace, Tranquillity, Contentment, and Optimism toward future life. This has happened because I started learning Astrology with great devotion and let me tell you that, learning this sacred science is a remedy for many things in life.
Read Also:- My Success Journey With Asttrolok
"I am grateful to
Asttrolok and
Alok Sir for guiding and mentoring"
My life changed from "Ground to Glory" within the last three years.
I Mean Each & Every single word written here.
With these words of Gratitude, I am putting my pen down.
Best Wishes As Always.
Dr.Vinay S.Joshi
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Read Also:- My Success Journey With Asttrolok