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Monthly Rashifal– MAY 2022

Created by Asttrolok in Astrology 30 Aug 2023
Views: 356
Monthly Rashifal–  MAY 2022
The monthly forecast of Rashis based on planetary placements for May 2022 is estimated to be as under:

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Monthly Rashifal Prediction is here -


Career: This month will be have mixed results. Saturn lord of the 10th house going to the 11th house will make you work hard. You can however take your hard work in the right direction. Presence of sun and rahu in 1st house you shall have favorable yet not advisable to argue with anyone or quarrel. Benefits from Jupiter in the 12th house with success in foreign jobs. Normal for employed people. In the 2nd half of the month, success in govt. sector. Chances of promotion. Good time for those in business. Supported by luck and fortune. Business-related trips are possible, with success. Contacts on these trips will be useful.

Finance: No investments should be made at the month's start. Favorable month. Month beginning, venus lord of 2ndf house will remain in 12th house, so expenditure shall increase. Savings shall be spent in vain. In the second half of the month, increase in income. Gradual development in business will bring profits. Spend wisely. Sun in transit in 2nd house in the second half of month, chances of sudden gain in wealth. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 11th house chances of profit in govt. sector.   

Love and family life: Good month. Benefit from sun lord of the 5th house in the 1st house. Happiness in the lovers. Love mates will be serious about their relationship. May progress to the marriage proposal. Favorable at the beginning of the month for married. Spouses will understand each other's feelings with the increase in love. Disputes will end. Court cases shall be rid of and spouses shall reunite. Romance in life.  

Education: Challenges in studies. Due to the presence of the sun and Rahu in 1st house, some shall have a favorable time. Abroad studies may also open for many.  

Health: Good month. Relief from chronic disease. The solution to ailments will be there. Mercury lord of the 6th house will remain in the 2nd house and there will be the complete aspect of Venus and Jupiter in the 6th house, therefore, health improvement. Elders will be better. In the last phase of the month, the health issues of the mother may arise. Careful during long journeys. Diet and daily routine must be maintained. Back pain is possible.


  1. Worship isht devi

  2. Visit hanuman mandir on tuesday

  3. Recite Durga Chalisa daily


Career: Mixed month. Saturn lord of the 10th house will give support due to its position in its sign. Fruits of hard work will fructify. Sun entering the 12th house will create the possibility of change in the location of the workplace. Some job changes. Business – moderate in month beginning. Benefits from the transit of sun in the 1st house. Later part of the month, heated arguments with business partners may create harm for the business and you can suffer losses. Control your nature. Foreign business the whole month shall be good.

Finance: Ups and downs. The month starts not favorable due to retrograde Mercury, lord of the 2nd house in the 1st house. Unnecessary expenses will incur. Money on health issues can be there. Later month, relatively better. Position of Jupiter with Venus in the 11th house. Favorable circumstances than with economic gains through personal efforts. Money from secret methods is there. Challenge for arranging money for the business. Bank loan possible. Consider all aspects before taking the loan. Foreign money through business.

Love and family life: The month beginning well. Transparency in the relationship due to mercury lord of 5th house in the 1st house. The presence of Rahu and the sun in the 12th house, do not talk exaggeratedly. The full aspect of Venus and Jupiter on the 5th house will keep relationships intact despite tensions. Married shall have a mixed time. The full aspect of Jupiter in the 7th house will increase love. Disputes will end. Necessary to control yourself and keep anger in check. Advised to avoid arguments with in-laws.

Education: Students will succeed. Jupiter will have complete aspect on the 5th house.

Health: Not good period. Mercury retrogrades on your sign therefore difficult times. Month beginning is not good for health. Blood-related irregularities. Benefit, however, with Venus lord of 6th house with Jupiter in 11th house. The full aspect of the sun in the 6th house. The major disease could be diagnosed while many ailments can be cured. Pay attention to diet and nutritious food with a healthy lifestyle. Avoid long journeys. Have a health check-up.

Advice :

  1. Donate white things

  2. Offer kewra mixed water to lord sun regularly

  3. Kheer on Friday, offer to mother and partake yourself

  4. Blessings of little girls to be taken by touching their feet.

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Career: Month beginning well. Position of Jupiter and venus in the 10th house. Chances of promotion. Job seekers shall succeed. Transfer of job possible. Hard work is required. You will make name for yourself at the workplace. Opponents may harass but you shall overcome. Business will be good and the door to success seen. Capital investments can lead to profits later. Profits from govt. sector too. Influential people shall help. Maintain good relations with business partner

Finance: Month fruitful. With the presence of Sun and Rahu in the 11th house, wasteful expenses could be there at the month's beginning. Control expenses. Profit from the business. Do not take loans. Benefits from ancestral property. Stalled money maybe got back. Invest carefully. Consult experience before long-term investments. Do not be hasty. Instead, invest in a planned and phased manner.

Love and family life: Love matters good. Sun and Rahu in the 5th house could affect some negatively, however. Stay away from such issues. Keep faith in your partner as doubts could arise. Despite being busy take time out with your partner and speak your heart. Listen. Placement of Ketu in the 5th house is some hindrance in ongoing marriage discussions that could occur. Love marriage in 2nd half of month possible. Married shall be happy. Responsibilities will be fulfilled and important household work shall be done. Strong relationships will strengthen further.

Education: Good times as time favorable due to placement of venus lord of 5th house with Jupiter in the 10th house.

Health: Normal. Benefits from the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the 9th house. The conjunction of planets shall help remove big diseases. Troubled for a long time and ailments not diagnosed, solutions shall be found. 1st half of the month may see mental stress with a full aspect of mercury on the 6th house. Excessive time at work may cause physical and mental stress. Advised not to exert by thinking about future. Do not go deep into any topic. The transit of Sun in the 12th house in the later month will rid you of all kinds of troubles and you shall have a favorable time.


  1. Offer Water to Surya regularly

  2. Recite adityahridayastotra

  3. Green spinach and fodder to cows on Wednesdays

  4. Green dress to sister and aunt


Career: The presence of Rahu and sun in the 10th house in 1st half of the month may create difficulties. Challenging times for job seekers. Disagreements with seniors. Could be an issue. The complete aspect of Saturn, seek reconciliation with seniors who otherwise face problems. Estrangements with seniors may arise which is harmful to you. Position of 7th house lord Saturn in the 8th house, a good time for business. Long terms deals, benefit you. The benefit of good relationships with business partners. The female friend can make a good contribution to the business. Investment.

Finance: Normal times. Sun lord of 2nd house will be in conjunction with Rahu in the month beginning. An increase in expenses will entail. Spends on unnecessary things. Accumulated income can be affected. Health issues may also require finances. Profits in the later part of the month where expenses shall also decrease. Gain in, money through a life partner. Power of luck shall assist. Wealth from religious work. Foreign money can also come in. Later month investment plans for getting profits possible. Correct investments will fructify in the future.

Love and family life: Good period. Some issues however in the month beginning due to conjunction of 5th house lord Mars with Saturn in the 8th house. Disagreement is possible with mental stress. Later part of the month Mars will transit in the 9th house and the situation will change, also with mercury being situated in the 11th house with the sun with full aspect on the 5th house. Positive attitude. Married couples shall have a peaceful relationship and happy marriage. Mutual love and harmony will be strong. Sense of fulfillment of family obligations.

Education: Minds will be fickle with non-seriousness towards studies. Presence of sun lord of 1oth house in the 2nd house with Rahu.

Health: Ups and downs. Jupiter lord of the 6th house will be in its sign with Venus in the 9th house. Freedom from ailments. Cure to chronic disease. Saturn, in month beginning, association with mars in the 8th house can create trouble. Take care during long journeys. Blood disorders and accidents are possible. Later month, mars conjunction with Jupiter in the 9th house and the sun transiting in the 11th house will bring relief. Courage and strength. Fix routine and exercise.

Advice :

  1. Worship lord shiva

  2. Chant mahamrityunjaya mantra regularly at home

  3. On Mondays or full moon, days observe fast

  4. Offer milk to lord shiva on Mondays

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Career: Good times. Employed shall have it good. Month beginning benefits from placement of own sign lord, sun, at the fateful place with Rahu. Increase in workload. Opponents will try to create issues but due to the position of the sun, you shall always have an upper hand. Confidence should remain high. At the same time don’t be overconfident. Good transit of sun in 10th house in later month and mars to be in 8th house with Jupiter. Cooperation of colleagues. Success for businessmen. A new employment plan will be made and you will successfully implement it. Very good for foreign business. Invest in business.

Finance: The month beginning shall be weak. Mercury lord of the 2nd house will remain retrograde in the 10th house, so during this period expenses shall increase to a very high. Accumulated money can also be spent. The mind shall remain disturbed but the presence of Venus and Jupiter in the 8th house and the arrival of mars in this house will create chances of hidden wealth in a later month. Economic benefits from ancestral property. You will overcome financial challenges. Business normal. Business growth will call for investments. Benefits from the expansion of business in other areas. Stop irrelevant expenses. Understand small savings. No big investments, however.

Education: Students shall succeed as Jupiter lord of the 5th house is in the 8th house with venus.

Love and family life: Love mates will have it good. Jupiter lord of the 5th house will remain in its sign with Venus in the 8th house. Maintenance of trust and partnership through wisdom and knowledge. Disputes, if any, shall be resolved. Married life is good in every way. Advised not to have extramarital affairs. Can cause issues between spouses. Do not do any such work due to which doubts can arise. Spend maximum time with spouse. Take a vacation if possible. Placement of Saturn in its sign in the 7th house, ups, and downs could remain. No lack of love. But you are advised to be careful.

Health: Good month. Saturn lord of the 6ht house will cooperate with you by being in the 7th house of your sign. Change in health possible. Old ailments shall be diagnosed. Relief in joint-related issues. Later month, courage and strength, by the movement of the sun in the 10th house. Prevention of disease is also possible. You will remain cautious of your health. However, mental stress and eye-related issues can be there so be careful. Workload could be the reason for mental stress. Take vacation. Take up a hobby. Mental relief from walks.

Advice :

  1. Recite sunderkand path regularly

  2. Offer water to lord Surya with hibiscus

  3. Recite harivanshpuran on Sunday

  4. Respect father. In not there, fold hands before his picture


Career: Good month. Month beginning well for employed. Mercury lord of the 10th house will be in the 9th house so you will make efforts to strengthen your position. A combination of hard work and mind will give good results. Promotion. Benefits in govt. sector. Later month, job changes can be done. Jurisdiction in office shall increase. Businessmen shall have a good month to large extent. Invest in business. Gains in the future. Later month, be alert due to the position of Jupiter mars venus in the 7th house. Necessary to improve the relationship with business partners. With combined efforts of both success will be there. Those doing business alone will benefit more.

Finance: Moderate month. Benefit from venus lord of wealth in conjunction with Jupiter in the 7th house. Economic benefits through business. Finances will be received from foreign-related businesses. Secret money is also possible. Benefits from expansion in business. New plans and technologies can be the reason for financial gains. Financial success shall help in repaying loans.

Education: Those students associated with sports shall taste success. Others will need to work hard as Saturn lord of the 5th house will be in the 6th house.

Love and Family Life: Normal month in love matters. Position of 5th house lord Saturn in 6th house, some issues in love life. Control your speech. Be transparent with loved ones. This will strengthen bonds. Married shall also have a normal month. The spouse may face some minor ailment. Together family responsibilities shall be taken care of. Love in relationships.

Health: Normal. Rid of major health issues. However, minor issues due to the presence of Saturn in the 6th house. Avoid thinking. Mental stress can arise. Pay attention to diet. Control weight. Avoid fried foods. Make of habit of exercising and walking. Transit of Sun in the 9th house, in a later month, the health of father shall improve. In-laws' side health issues are possible.


  1. Recite sidhhakanjika strotra

  2. Donate white clothes

  3. Offer durba to Ganesh Ji

  4. Offer motichoor laddoo to lord Ganesha on Wednesday.


Career: Average month. Month beginning challenging due to the full aspect of Jupiter on the house of profession. Avenues for jobs and changes are still seen. Balanced atmosphere. The anguish of seniors but advised to cater to responsibilities sincerely. Suggested to complete work on time and win the appreciation of seniors. Colleagues should be kept at arm's length. Be cautious. Words can be used against you. Keep your cool. Stress will decline in a later month. Workload will increase but promotions also are there. Cooperation of colleagues will also be there. New doors of business will open. New projects. Expand. Do not delay execution. Good for overseas business.

Finance: You will benefit from mars, lord of the 2nd house being in the 5th house and its full aspect on the 11th house. Gains from property-related sources. Profits from the progress of the business. Also, return on pending payments and profits from overseas business. The inflow of money from ancestral property. Employed shall save and invest. Plan your expenditure to save money. Investing in small saving and midterms plans would be fruitful. Benefits from new policies of govt.

Love and Family: Pleasant times. Appreciation of love life due to the presence of Saturn in the 5th house. Misgivings with love mates shall disappear. You will have a positive mood. Mutual understanding is prevalent. Marriage proposals shall finalize and fructify. Married shall have some stressful times. Rahu is in the 7th house. Spouse differences are possibly due to the tense atmosphere. Interference of in-laws will be felt. Negative thinking may create more problems.

Education: Hard work required. The presence of Saturn in the 5th house can create obstacles.

Health: Major diseases shall fade away due to the presence of Jupiter and Venus in the 6th house. Hale and hearty. Nutritious and fresh fruits are required. Have a medical check which will be to your benefit. Later month, blood-related ailments due to the presence of mars with Jupiter, 6th house lord, and venus. Mental disease is possible. Spend time with friends and family to relieve stress. Exercise regularly. You need it. Consult a doctor in case of any issue for proper treatment.


  1. Worship lord Saturn

  2. Recite the beej mantra of Saturn

  3. Bathe by mixing curd in the water

  4. Worship Mahalaxmi and recite the shrisuktam path


Career: Balanced. Month beginning challenges at the workplace. Presence of the sun, ruling lord of the 10th house, with Rahu in the 6th house. Projects may get hampered. The complete aspect of Saturn on the 10th house fused with colleagues which may be resulting in anxiety. Could tarnish the image. Govt. sector associated shall encounter upheavals. Such people can be shifted to another place. Later month, things will be your way due to the complete aspect of Jupiter on the house of fortune and the transit of the sun in the 7th house. The workplace atmosphere will be good. Colleagues shall appreciate your good behavior. Traders will have a very good time. Adopt new techniques and plans. Destined to see good advancement in business. Some issues in partnership. Try to remain open. Avoid overstepping, however.

Finance: Average. Financial benefits however due to the presence of Jupiter ruling lord of the 2nd house in the 5th house. Businesses and traders shall reap a good harvest. They will get back pending payments. The new business will be in your interest with huge profits. Chances of benefits from ancestral property. Later month, you could start a new business. This will increase your balance as things will tilt your way. Savings shall be in relaxed status. Do not invest in shares. Do not sell shares. Hasty decisions can put you in trouble.

Love and Family: Love life very good times. Presence of Jupiter in 5th house forming conjunction with venus. Great love and affection. All previous misunderstandings if any shall cease. You can also decide the knot after convincing family members of your relationship. Important to share all with your love. Later months ups and down for married. Presence of sun with mercury in 7th house. Differences could crop up. Beware of outsiders.

Education: Students shall have a golden period. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the 5th house.

Health: Average. Minor ailments due to the conjunction of Rahu and sun in the 6th house. During this period do not eat out. Avoid spicy and fried food. Be away from stale food. Consume green vegetables and fruits. Consult the doctor in case of any issue. Boils, blood-related issues, sprains due to transit of Mars lord of 6th house in the 12th house. Also, surgery is required in case of injury. Avoid long trips and be careful driving and stay away from hustle and bustle areas.


  1. Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day

  2. Offer Haldi Mala to Shri Hari Vishnu

  3. Worship saligram Shila and tulsi ji everyday

  4. Jaggary and Gram Prasad to be distributed to small children every Tuesday


Career: Average. Issues shall remain at the workplace. Presence of mercury ruling lord of 10th house in the 6th house. Focus more on work. Stay away from laziness. The situation will change due to the presence of the sun with Rahu in the 5th house. Colleagues will collaborate. Progress and benefits from the help of seniors. May be promoted and given responsibilities. Businessmen will have a pleasant time. Hard work shall start repaying. Recently established businesses shall also do good. Possibilities of profits through communication. New contacts will be helpful.

Finance: Profitable. You will be financially sound because of Saturn lord of the 2nd house in the 3rd house. Also cooperation of the family. Challenges over a long time will recede and control over expenses will be had. Benefits from mother. Presence of Jupiter with Venus in 4th house. Great success in business due to Rahu in the 5th house. The solution to financial problems will be in sight. Sizable hike in salary. Expenses reducing and higher fiancés will entail savings. Savings of spouse can be utilized in your business. Advisable to invest in name of spouse. You will gain thereby.

Love and family life: Good and bad results. Stress in month beginning due to presence of Rahu in 5th house. Rift with lover. Chances of facing health-related issues. Later month, trust in the relationship will strengthen on account of the sun going to the 6th house. Trips possible. Average for married people with mercury lord of 7th house turning retrograde in the 6th house. Ups and downs. Later month, mutual conflicts will end due to the conjunction of the Sun and mercury and there will be developing healthy and mutual trust. Court cases pending regarding marriage will be rid of. Later months married shall have a pleasant time due to the presence of Mars with Jupiter and venus. Advised to control anger.

Education: Students for competitive exams shall achieve due to the presence of Jupiter and Venus in the 4th house.

Health: Balanced. Month beginning is not good due to the presence of mercury in the 6th house. Issues related to feet, eyes, teeth, etc. Later month presence of the sun in the 6th house and Rahu in the 5th house, will result in worries due to the health of the siblings. Mental stress shall prevail. Be cautious about eating and working under pressure. Avoid long trips and drive carefully.


  1. Keep a glass of water along with salt in the room and change the water every day

  2. Recite the Gayatri mantra 108 times

  3. Tilak of saffron or turmeric every day

  4. Worship Lord Shri Hari Vishnu and offer yellow sandalwood.


Career: Month beginning benefits from the conjunction of 10th house lord Venus with Jupiter in its sign in the 3rd house. Chances of promotion. Honored by seniors. Possible to go abroad in connection with the job. Traveling due to work-related issues. Working hard will get you govt job. Impressed by you, you will succeed in your endeavors. Those looking for a new job, wish fulfilled. Later month, the conjunction of sun and mercury in the 5th house, a favorable time for businessmen. Work hard and you shall get the fruits. New business avenues. Financial challenges in foreign trade but the expansion of business is possible. The business will give you benefits from your partner too.

Finance: Good I month beginning due to position of Saturn in its sign in the 2nd house. Stuck money shall be returned. Businessmen will get the full benefit from hard work due to the complete aspect of Jupiter and venus in the 9th house. Luck is in your favor. Full support. With the presence of Jupiter in the house of courage, 3rd house, money from a foreign land will also come back. Progress in new business. You will get full financial benefits. Employed shall save. Following budget. Substantial increase in income, businessmen will succeed in savings. Avoid taking loans. Investing in business by taking a loan is also not correct. 

Love and Family life: Overall, not favorable. Love life however will still be good due to the retrograde movement of mercury in the 5th house. And the conjunction of Jupiter with Venus in the 3rd house. Necessary to be up early Handle matters. Married shall have a good time. The full aspect of Jupiter on the 7th house. Love will remain and strengthen. Conflicts if any shall end. Disputes shall end.

Education: Students Benefit from being able to overcome any problems arising from Jupiter being posited with Venus in its sign.   

Health: Moderate. Mercury lord of the 6th house will be in the 12th house. Circumstances shall become difficult. Mental stress from minor ailments. Eye, and blood issues may trouble. Be careful. Transit of sun with mercury in later months will be soothing for you. Health shall improve along with confidence. Will try to keep good health and shall succeed. Advised to not work late nights. Get up early, walk. Green vegetables and fruits in the diet. Junk food is to be avoided. Take care of the health of the whole family. Special attention to father's health.


  1. Venerate isht dev or Devi

  2. Recite sunderkand path at home on Tuesdays

  3. Take blessings of elders

  4. On Saturday recite neelshanistrotra. 

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Career: Very good. Month beginning, lord of the house of 10th, will be situated in with Saturn in the 1st house. Jupiter will full aspect on 10th house. Therefore good for those employed. Job seekers shall get good opportunities. Working shall get the promotion. Foreign land-based work could come your way. Keep trying for a new job. Success shall come. Businessmen shall have a challenging time. Work hard but later month due to conjunction of sun with mercury in 4th house, good times. Efforts shall lead to success. Chances of profits from govt. sector. Profits possible. Travelling shall also give you profits. 

Finance: Very good period. Jupiter in 2nd house. Benefitted from the presence of venus in its exalted sign. Financially will remain strong. Money from abroad will come in business. Teachers will be supported with luck and gain profits. Struggle and hard work shall pay off. The establishment shall lead to money and create financially strong people. Businessmen in the field of education shall also get financial benefits. Rising expenditure in a later month. Keep expenses under control. Make a budget and spend accordingly. Investing in business shall be easily arranged. Family shall support you. Able to repay old debts. Good time for stock market investment and shares of small companies shall give you good profits. 

Love and family life: Favourable in love. Benefit from mercury lord of 5th house of love, being posited in the 4th house. Feel more attached and the romance shall grow with loved ones. Speak your heart to your beloved. Relations can become serious and you can think of marriage. Later month conjunction of sun and mercury and the complete aspect of Shani dev in the 7th house shall create some issues for married. Love will decline. Important to take time out from work and spend time with your spouse. Old romantic vibes can be regenerated. Avoid commenting on in-laws as this can raise problems. 

Education: The position of 5th house lord mercury in the 4th house will give good time to students. Success is possible. 

Health: Not a good period. However, some shall get relief from ailments. The complete aspect of Jupiter in the 6th house, one will be rid of venereal diseases. Weight issues. Avoid sun. Beware of long-distance journeys. Don’t keep yourself in tension. Acute stress is possible. Depression can follow. Consult the doctor immediately if you get these symptoms. Go for walks. Show interest in sports to remove workload. Take care of your diet.   

Advice :

  1. Take bath with sesame mixed in water

  2. Light lamp of sesame oil In Shani temple

  3. Light a jasmine oil lamp in the hanuman temple every Tuesday and Saturday

  4. Perform Rudra Abhishek of lord shiva at home or temple


Career: Very good month. Month beginning well for employed due to the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in 1st house. Lot of success in work. Good relations with seniors. Promotion. Transfer for some. Later month transit of mars with Jupiter and Venus in 1st house will help you further. Necessary to avoid wrong decisions you could take in the excitement. Businessmen shall be benefitted as Jupiter venus and mars fill aspect on 7th house. Profits from the business. Also through the business partner. New partnerships can take place also. There are chances of new deals. Foreign-related business shall increase. Benefits thereof.    

Finance: Mixed time. With the presence of Rahu in the 2nd house, the complete aspect of Saturn on the 2nd house there can be a financial loss. Accumulated capital can be spent. Money shall keep coming. Burt chances of more expenditure. People associated with the share market will remain in profit. Earn good money from the share market. Later month, the money shall come from foreign trade. Ancestral property benefits are possible for some. Spends on religious work possible. Control expenses and follow the advice of the spouse. Consult before investing and do not invest long term basis. Loans should be waited for.  

Education: Students are good due to the full aspect of Jupiter on the 5th house result which will increase student focus.

Love and Family: Full aspect of Jupiter on the 5th house and during this period you will win the heart of your beloved. However, later months can bring conflicts. Due to the full aspect of Jupiter mars and venus on the 7th house, time will be favorable for married. Full support of a spouse. Family issues shall be discussed and advice taken. Chances of the religious program for children.  

Health: Normal. Sun lord of the 6th house will remain with Rahu in the 2nd house in the month beginning. Mental stress. Depression is possible. Keep distance from negative people. Avoid late-night working. Manage waking time and sleeping time. Exercise and eat nutritious food. Read interesting books. Take walks. Consult if necessary for mental stress. The full aspect of Saturn on 6th house disease of joints could trouble. Some may get relief from latent disease.


  1. Recite Hanuman Chalisa once daily or 7 times of Tuesdays

  2. Observe fast on Tuesdays

  3. Worship the banana tree on Thursday 

  4. Make besan halwa on Thursday and offer to lord ram and partake thereon.

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Shweta Gupta

Shweta Gupta

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