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Bhavat Bhavam”, literally meaning ‘house of the house is a very important and interesting concept in
Vedic astrology that can help us to understand the nature of the houses.
Bhavat Bhavam or Bhava Bhavadi (in Hindi) means house from a house.
The house that is taken as the ascendant can be used to interpret the rest of the houses in-depth. The Bhavat Bhavam house is used to predict what will happen in a certain situation or scenario based on this person's past experiences and history. The Bhavat Bhava of a house is co-related to the other 11 houses to predict events.
As such, when we take even one particular house for a specific question, it helps us understand the basic property of this particular house within the context of its role relative to other houses within a horoscope.
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Some simple prediction methods are there, but any house has only 12 properties and all of them change according to how they favor or oppose any other house and planets based upon the Koota of Rasis.
As per the principal few houses support, and some are opposite and create obstacles in the life of the native. The entire chart is interlinked so, none of the houses or placements can be seen separately for analysis.
The 6 odd houses are the Bhavat Bhavam for the 12 houses. The BhavatBhavam house for the 2nd house is the 3rd house (2nd from 2nd), for 3rd house is for the 5th house, and so on. The houses show the feelings and opinions of the native towards others. The planets in the houses give thoughts and can also change the point of view of the native.
The 6 'odd' houses are considered the bhava-bhavams. Bhava is related to your feelings and bhavam is feelings related to other people.
For example, how we feel about others. So every house relates to something about others in some way or another.
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6th house represents work/health,
7th house represents relationships and spouse,
8th house represents our financial condition,
And 9th house shows our education levels or spiritual journeys that we take.
The planets placed inside these houses are like guideposts that give us thoughts on those matters (bhava) and even change or affect the native's point of view on those matters directly relating to it.
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